Premier Safety Solutions specializes in full service Safety Program management and provides cost effective assistance to employers in their endeavor to create a safe and healthful workplace for their employees.

What makes us different?

Premier Safety Solutions creates a standard of excellence by approaching safety with a positive attitude.

Positive reinforcement encourages management leadership and worker participation in creating and keeping a safe workplace. Safe work habits must become a part of the normal everyday routine.

Premier Safety Solutions provides their clients with high level safety training and specialized knowledge and understanding of OSHA regulations.



  • Trenching & Excavation Awareness & Competent Person
  • First Aid, CPR & AED Training
  • Powered Industrial Truck (Forklift) Operator Certification
  • Scaffold Awareness & Competent Person
  • OSHA Construction 10 & 30 Hour
  • Heavy Equipment Operator Safety Awareness
  • Aerial Work Platform Safety Training
  • Fall Protection Safety Awareness
  • Confined Space Awareness Training & Mock Rescue Exercise


  • Safety & Health Programs
  • HAZCOM / SDS Programs
  • Activity Hazard Analysis
  • Onsite Safety Surveys
  • Random Employee Drug Screening
  • Respirator Medical Review & Fit Testing




Plan & Prevent Workplace Accidents

Oh my aching back!!

The amount of force placed on your lower back when you bend over to lift an object can be surprising.

Did you know the average human upper torso weighs approximately 105 pounds? Bending and lifting a 10 pound object actually puts 1,150 pounds of pressure on the lower back. If you are 25 pounds overweight, it adds an additional 250 pounds of pressure on your back.

Given these figures, it is easy to see how repetitive lifting and bending can quickly cause back problems.

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Two Maryland Workers Fall to Their Death

Recently, two 31 year old Maryland workers fell to their death when they were ejected from an aerial lift platform.

These types of tragic fatalities and accidents are preventable. The major causes of fatalities are due to falls, electrocutions or tip over’s.

Premier Safety Solutions provides the following tips for safe operation of aerial lifts:

Workers who operate aerial lifts need to be properly trained in the safe use of the equipment.

Do not operate an aerial lift that is need of repair.

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Proper Protection Can Prevent Eye Injuries

Each day about 2,000 workers in the United States suffer from job-related eye injuries that require medical treatment. About one third of these injuries are treated in hospital emergency departments and more than 100 of these injuries result in one or more days of lost work.

The majority of these injuries result from small particles or objects striking or abrading the eye. Examples of this include metal slivers, wood chips, dust or cement chips that are ejected by tools. Objects such as nails, staples or slivers of wood or metal can penetrate the eyeball and result in permanent loss of vision.

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