What makes us different?
Premier Safety Solutions creates a standard of excellence by approaching safety with a positive attitude.
Positive reinforcement encourages management leadership and worker participation in creating and keeping a safe workplace. Safe work habits must become a part of the normal everyday routine.
Premier Safety Solutions provides their clients with high level safety training and specialized knowledge and understanding of OSHA regulations.
- Trenching & Excavation Awareness & Competent Person
- First Aid, CPR & AED Training
- Powered Industrial Truck (Forklift) Operator Certification
- Scaffold Awareness & Competent Person
- OSHA Construction 10 & 30 Hour
- Heavy Equipment Operator Safety Awareness
- Aerial Work Platform Safety Training
- Fall Protection Safety Awareness
- Confined Space Awareness Training & Mock Rescue Exercise
- Safety & Health Programs
- HAZCOM / SDS Programs
- Activity Hazard Analysis
- Onsite Safety Surveys
- Random Employee Drug Screening
- Respirator Medical Review & Fit Testing
Plan & Prevent Workplace Accidents
One Year Later . . .
In January 2015, OSHA started requiring employers to report within 24 hours any severe work related injury, such as an amputation or an injury requiring hospitalization. In the first year, OSHA received 10,388 reports, or nearly 30 a day.
Each report told the story of a man or woman who went to work one day and experienced a traumatic event, sometimes with permanent consequences to themselves and their families.
While OSHA has made progress toward ensuring severe injuries are quickly reported, OSHA also believes a sizable proportion of these types of injuries are still not being reported. That is why OSHA has now developed outreach
Premier Safety Solutions
Maryland Construction Safety Consultants
PO Box 353
Taneytown, MD 21787
MBE/DBE MDOT Certified
WBE Baltimore City
SWaM Certified – Virginia
Incident Prevention
Generally speaking, we are not born with common sense, but we acquire it throughout life and from experiences of our own as well as others. Awareness of your environment, self-preservation and concern for your fellow workers are all factors in good common sense. The easy way to avoid getting hurt is to observe how others have taken risks and been injured, rather than learning the hard way–from your own injury. That’s common sense!
The experts say at least 80% of industrial accidents are caused by unsafe acts on the part of employees–and not by unsafe conditions. Although employers are required by law to provide a safe and healthful workplace, it is up to you to be aware of your work environment and follow safe work practices.
By avoiding unsafe acts and practicing common sense there will be less chance for accidents.
Avoid Slips, Trips and Falls
Did you know the average construction worker may take 9,646 steps per day while on the job? With so many steps per day, the exposure to slip, trip, and fall hazards can be very high.
Work-related slips, trips and falls are responsible for 25% of all occupation injuries that require time off work. Thousands of disabling injuries and even deaths that occur each year as a result of slips, trips and falls are largely preventable. It starts with a simple reminder to pay attention . . . focus on where you are going, what you are doing and what lies ahead.