OSHA Fines To Increase

For the first time in a quarter century OSHA has been directed to increase its penalties to account for current inflation levels, which would raise proposed fines by about 80 percent. This means the penalty for a willful or repeat violation could rise to about...

Construction’s “Fatal Four”

In 2014 there were 4,251 worker fatalities in the private industry alone. 874 or 20.5% of those fatalities were in the construction industry alone, which equates to 1 in 5 worker deaths in construction last year. The leading causes of those deaths were falls,...

From 2 to 200 in 30

Objects falling from heights are a huge safety concern.   Concussions, lacerations and puncture wounds are just some of the injuries that can ensue. In fact, a 2 pound object dropped from 30 feet can have a deadly force of 200 pounds.  On construction sites the types...

Oh my aching back!!

The amount of force placed on your lower back when you bend over to lift an object can be surprising. Did you know the average human upper torso weighs approximately 105 pounds?  Bending and lifting a 10 pound object actually puts 1,150 pounds of pressure on the lower...

Two Maryland Workers Fall to Their Death

Recently, two 31 year old Maryland workers fell to their death when they were ejected from an aerial lift platform. These types of tragic fatalities and accidents are preventable.  The major causes of fatalities are due to falls, electrocutions or tip over’s. Premier...

Proper Protection Can Prevent Eye Injuries

Each day about 2,000 workers in the United States suffer from job-related eye injuries that require medical treatment. About one third of these injuries are treated in hospital emergency departments and more than 100 of these injuries result in one or more days of...