Virginia Occupational Safety & Health (VOSH) recently issued serious and willful citations and penalties totaling $304,130 to a company for exposing their workers to respirable crystalline silica hazards while using jackhammers to remove concrete. The company did...
Opioid overdoses increased 30% from July 2016 through September 2017 in 45 U.S. states More than 115 people in the US die everyday due to overdosing on opioids. $78.5 billion a year – the “economic burden” from prescription opioid misuse in the U.S. alone. These...
Lightning is one of the leading weather-related causes of death and injury in the United States. The average bolt of lightning carries over 100,000,000 volts and can reach out over 100 miles. ✓ Lightning can strike up to 5-10 miles in front of or behind the actual...
Working on a construction site is always dangerous work. The equipment is often massive, from earthmoving equipment, such as front-end loaders and dump trucks to concrete mixers and cranes that raise and lower thousands of pounds of material, supplies and equipment. A...
Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “complacency” as, “self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies”. When it comes to safety, complacency is dangerous. There is no doubt that numerous near misses and accidents occur...
In the State of Maryland 94 workers were killed in excavation/trenching accidents from 2011-2015 This averages to be 19 FATALITIES PER YEAR 12% of those that were killed were self employed All but one was a male All of these fatalities could have been PREVENTED. ...