Each day about 2,000 workers in the United States suffer from job-related eye injuries that require medical treatment. About one third of these injuries are treated in hospital emergency departments and more than 100 of these injuries result in one or more days of lost work.

The majority of these injuries result from small particles or objects striking or abrading the eye. Examples of this include metal slivers, wood chips, dust or cement chips that are ejected by tools.  Objects such as nails, staples or slivers of wood or metal can penetrate the eyeball and result in permanent loss of vision.

Large objects may strike the eye or face of a worker or a worker may run into an object causing blunt force trauma to the eyeball or eye socket. Chemical burns to one or both eyes from splashes of chemicals or cleaning products are common. Welders are in danger of being exposed to UV radiation burns, also known as welder’s flash which damages eyes and surrounding tissue.

Engineering controls should be used to reduce eye injury hazards.  Personal protective eye wear such as safety glasses, goggles or face shields must be used when an eye hazard exists. The eye protection chosen for specific work situations depends upon the nature and extent of the hazard, the circumstances of exposure, other protective equipment use and personal vision needs. Eye protection should be fit to an individual or adjustable to provide appropriate coverage. It should be comfortable and allow for sufficient peripheral vision. Selection of protective eye wear appropriate for a given task should be made based on a hazard assessment of each activity.

Premier Safety Solutions
Maryland Construction Safety Consultants

PO Box 353
Taneytown, MD 21787