Did you know the average construction worker may take 9,646 steps per day while on the job? With so many steps per day, the exposure to slip, trip, and fall hazards can be very high.
Work-related slips, trips and falls are responsible for 25% of all occupation injuries that require time off work. Thousands of disabling injuries and even deaths that occur each year as a result of slips, trips and falls are largely preventable. It starts with a simple reminder to pay attention . . . focus on where you are going, what you are doing and what lies ahead.
Make a commitment to yourself to develop an awareness of potential hazards. Take responsibility for fixing, removing or avoiding hazards in your path. Don’t carry loads you cannot see over and wipe your feet when you come in from rain or snow. Report or replace any burned out lights or inadequate lighting. Be constantly alert and expect the unexpected when you are not familiar with the area you are walking through.
Make safety a part of your daily routine. If you see a slip, trip and fall hazards be sure to correct it immediately!!
Premier Safety Solutions
Maryland Construction Safety Consultants
PO Box 353
Taneytown, MD 21787