Remember: Gravitational force is at work all the time.

Remember: Gravitational force is at work all the time.

Falls continue to be the leading cause of death and fall hazards continue to be one of the primary citations employers receive by OSHA in the construction industry.  Proper training, identification of fall hazards and selecting the necessary equipment to eliminate fall hazards is crucial to protect workers.

Workers are unable to control or eliminate fall hazards without proper training and fall protection equipment.  Employee involvement is one of the best ways to improve fall protection training.

When employees share their own personal stories, “close-calls” or “near misses” it opens discussion and helps others gain interest in thinking about the “what-ifs”.  The sharing of information will help everyone understand why fall protection safety is so important.  Remember a “near miss” can be an accident waiting to happen.

Premier Safety Solutions can provide fall protection training . . . call us today!!

Premier Safety Solutions
Maryland Construction Safety Consultants

PO Box 353
Taneytown, MD 21787