In January 2015, OSHA started requiring employers to report within 24 hours any severe work related injury, such as an amputation or an injury requiring hospitalization. In the first year, OSHA received 10,388 reports, or nearly 30 a day.

Each report told the story of a man or woman who went to work one day and experienced a traumatic event, sometimes with permanent consequences to themselves and their families.

While OSHA has made progress toward ensuring severe injuries are quickly reported, OSHA also believes a sizable proportion of these types of injuries are still not being reported.  That is why OSHA has now developed outreach strategies, including working through insurers, first responders and business organization to ensure all employers know their obligation to report severe injuries.  Those employers who choose not to report should know OSHA has increased the maximum penalty for not reporting a severe injury from $2,000 to $7,000.

Premier Safety Solutions
Maryland Construction Safety Consultants

PO Box 353
Taneytown, MD 21787